Friday, 5 December 2014

NDM Story

steve jobs with iPod

This article is about how apple forced users to delete music brought from rival competitors. Rivals such as Amazon and it is claimed that apple forced users to delete music purchased from their. Music from the year 2007 to 2009 was deleted of the iPod as consumers were forced. 

  • Apple intentionally deleted music not bought from iTunes from users’ iPods between 2007 and 2009, a court was told in a antitrust suit against Apple.
  • Users who tried to sync and update an iPod with music from the likes of Amazon or 7Digital were told there was an error with their iPod that could only be solved with a factory restore through iTunes, which completely wiped the iPod.
  • Apple security director Augustin Farrugia told the court that the music was deleted for security reasons and that hackers including Jon Lech Johansen also known as “DVD Jon” and software such as the digital rights management removal tool Requiem had made Apple “very paranoid.”
  • “Someone is breaking into our house,” Apple’s founder and chief executive Steve Jobs wrote at the time, according to an email exhibited by Apple software head Eddy Cue.
I believe what apple did could be a mistake or it could've been done by purpose, however they do state that they were hacked and somebody cause this problem, however I think it was all apple as they wanted consumers to buy of iTunes so they'll make more money.  

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