The social network apologised after it showed one user a photograph of his recently-deceased daughter in its ‘Year in Review’ feature; many others had similar complaints. The company’s latest blunder stems from a seemingly innocuous feature it rolls out to its users shortly before Christmas every year, called the Year in Review.
it lets users automatically select photos, wall posts and other content from a user’s past year, offering those which gained the most responses in likes or comments as “highlights”. Facebook users can then piece together a scrapbook of the past year, and experience instant nostalgia.
Many complains made after this feature was enabled.
The feature has already been tweaked following feedback: it initially ended the slideshow with the words “It’s been a great year! Thanks for being a part of it.” It now uses the more neutral language “See you next year!”
I believe Facebook aren't in the wrong for this as this is up to the consumers if they want to watch the video. Also this shows Facebook do care about their active users as they made a whole section for their consumers
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