Chosen Industry: Sky
Your chosen case study: Sports
Have you got approval from your teacher: Yes
1) How has new and digital media changed the audience experience in your chosen industry?
Sky have allowed their audiences to get involved via new/digital media and they use Social media to get involved and use sources like twitter. This has changed audiences experiences because they can know join in the debate on line, and before this wasn't possible,
2) Has new and digital media changed the way the audience consume your chosen product?
I think it has changed the way consumers consumer the product. Firstly you do not have to be at home to watch sky sports and you can watch it with your tablet or your mobile phone.
3) Has the size of the audience changed as a result of new and digital media?
I believe that it might of changed because the only source prior to digital media was the television and usually people were at work and didnt have time to watch Sky because games are usually broadcasted at working hours, now you can watch the games via sky go which is free when you have subscription and you could keep up with the game.
4) What are the positive changes new and digital media have brought to the audience of your case study? (E.g. greater choice, easier access etc.)
With the development of new digital media it has been very positive for sky because people can now access games outside of work and keep up to date with the news and the other sports because of new digital media and you do not need to carry a big radio anymore
5) What are the negative changes new and digital media have had on your chosen audience? (E.g. quality of product etc.)
I believe with the development of new digital media the games can be accessed very easy without subscription and this is a threat to sky because people might not have pay for subscription as you can watch it for free online and chipped boxes.
6) What about audience pleasures - have these changed as a result of new and digital media?
Audience pleasures have changed with the development of new digital media as audience love to get involved with sky debates with all sports and love to vote via twitter to get involved and make a change to the result of polls. Sky does offer escapism because when you're watching football you forget about everything when you're watching your team.
7) What is the target audience for your chosen case study? Write a demographic/psychographic profile.
I believe the age for watching football is unlimited as when you start you can watch forever until you die and that is with rugby cricket as well. However Sky majority of audience are men and over the last 2 years they are trying to change it up as they broadcast women football, netball and handball and a sportswomen episode every week.
1)What examples of user-generated content can you find in your case study?
Sky sports use User Generated content to show footage from sports and sport venues and they rely on it on some cases when there are fights at stadiums which people record and put up on twitter. They also show goals which weren't televised from pre season and they rely on ugc to show the goals which weren't televised.
2) How has UGC changed things for audiences or institutions in your chosen case study?
I believe there hasn't changed sky sports massively because they rely on their own content which they produce and it hasn't affected sky sports it has affected their news sector but not the sport sector because they create their own footage for users to pay for and watch.
Marxism, Pluralism and Hegemony
1) What would be a Marxist perspective of the impact of new and digital media on your chosen case study?
Marxist would believe that social media networks just help sky as they can get control their audience and tell them what to do on social media, also they would suggest it just helps them stay at the top.
2) How would a pluralist view the impact of new and digital media in your chosen industry?
Pluralist would think that this has given the licence to audiences to get involved and make their opinion more useful to make a difference.
3) Are there any examples of hegemony in your chosen industry or case study?
The hegemonic control is maintained in the television industry through major players like News Corporation- Sky Sports, Sky News, Fox and they also have the biggest newspapers.
1) How has globalisation impacted on your chosen industry or case study?
It has impacted it in a way which is evident. On sky we always see them promoting each other e.g. now they are promoting the election on sky sports and the tittle race on sky news and we see a pattern developing.
2) In your opinion, has globalisation had a positive or negative impact on your chosen industry and case study? Why?
Globalization has had a positive impact on the television industry as they can now easily promote each other on their different platforms.
Social media
1) How has your industry or case study used social media to promote its products?
Yes as Sky sports rely heavily on social media to promote the brand as they use their own twitter account to promote upcoming games and they use youtube to promote upcoming fixtures and rely heavily on it because it isnt as expensive as TV and it can reach out to more people.
2) Provide examples of how your case study has used social media and explain the impact this would have on audiences.
This is Sky Sports advertising on Twitter and advertising the next match that will be coming on, this tweet reaches out to all their followers and gets high amount retweets and shares
3) Is social media an opportunity or a threat to your industry and case study?
Social networks are an opportunity and sky have pounced as they use it very much to promote and involve audience, however the development of internet is a threat because people can access the games online for free.
1) What statistics can you find to illustrate the impact new and digital media has had on your industry or case study? For example, in news, the UK newspaper industry sold more than 12m copies a day in 2001 but in 2014 it was below 7m.
Sky Sports News HQ have tweeted 37k times followers- 3.6 million followers
Sky sports football have tweeted 50 k times- 1.9 millions followers
Sky sports football MNF 2k times- followers 119.5 k
2) What impact have the statistics you have found had on institutions in your chosen industry?
This shows that sky have benefited from social media because they can promote to all their followers and their are a high amount which shows that new digital media has helped them.
3) What has the impact been for audiences?
That they may rely on sky way too much as it shows with the followers they have. This shows that they can get their news from most sources not just print and this just shows how big the change has been and what NDM has done.
Audiences can use social media to predict and win and could vote for Team of the years using the hashtags
1) What media theories can you apply to your chosen industry and case study? Select THREE media theories and explain how they are relevant to your case study. Note: these can be ANY of the theories we have learned over the whole of Year 12 and 13.
Hypodermic needle because sky might want to inject values and ideologies into the audiences head that they believe.
Dependence theory is a vital one because many football fans like myself are dependent on sky sports news for football news because they are the most trust worthy and have the best sources, we football fans are dependent in a good way because they are unbiased to a football team and provide the same amount of news usually for the big 4 teams and the smaller teams as they stay in the middle, also they have pundits that have links to different clubs
Pluralism because sky love to get people involved with debates and polls via Twitter.
Wider examples and secondary texts
1) What other texts or institutions are also relevant to your case study? What would be good secondary texts or examples to use to support the findings of your independent case study?