Monday, 29 September 2014
Learner response
Mr Bush Feedback
WWW- Good reference to some wider context ( e.g. Egypt )
EBI- Try to include more explicit reference to theory eg. news values, Marxism/ key theory)
Recently in Scotland people were voting whether to stay in the united Kingdom or to leave the United kingdom. This shows that the audience are empowered by the developments of digital media that the people of the country can have a say Online. Scottish people on twitter stated a campaign #voteyesscotland This shows that nobody can stop people online and there is no restrictions and there isn't a gatekeeper who can stop this. There was an article in the Scottish times about this campaign which again shows how big digital media is that millions of people get involved and it is all over the news. This article states that people all around the world were involved in this vote from Alaska to the UK. This article states people from North America were among the votes. This shows how audience have been empowered as they have a say and be all over the news. This news was very big that Scotland government had to have a say and fueled everything about this campaign this links to Andrew keen as some may say that internet is killing our culture because voting is about voting on the election day not being influenced.

This article is about the views of netflix and how the viewers are just surging up and this means netflix are making high amounts of money. Netflix was a small business providing video and know is making millions. Reports show its risen by 28 per cent which means that it's just gone big and more people are starting to use it and the buisness is just growing.
This article is about the views of netflix and how the viewers are just surging up and this means netflix are making high amounts of money. Netflix was a small business providing video and know is making millions. Reports show its risen by 28 per cent which means that it's just gone big and more people are starting to use it and the buisness is just growing.
- Risen by 28 percent
- provided on xbox and play stations
- Downloadable app on android and apple
In my oppion netflix is a great service for us the audience as it provides us TV catch up whenever and on the go. I use netflix and I will continue to use it as it offers me a great service. The reason why its going up is because of how east it is to use and it is provided on all devices. You could also use this on smart TVs meaning you don't have to use your laptop as you could use your smart TV to watch TV shows. Also it provides most TV shows which is a benefit for us as we can watch shows which we enjoyed which may not be available.

This story is about Facebook and how the creators of Facebook want to bring the latest news story to the users feeds. Social Media is mainly our source of news as it's instant and most news industries are know on twitter and this is where the instant news gets shared to the people and has become the younger peoples source of news. This news story states that Facebook have had some feedback from users about this issue and Facebook are finally about to act on this issue.

This story is about Facebook and how the creators of Facebook want to bring the latest news story to the users feeds. Social Media is mainly our source of news as it's instant and most news industries are know on twitter and this is where the instant news gets shared to the people and has become the younger peoples source of news. This news story states that Facebook have had some feedback from users about this issue and Facebook are finally about to act on this issue.
- Facebook is the biggest social media site
- Targets millions of people
- want to provide news
In my opinion this is a great idea for the users. They need to provide this to its consumers as they have fallen behind the competitors as competitors provide news instantly. This will be a great idea for Facebook as this will get them back on track as they don't provide news.
Thursday, 25 September 2014

This article is about how TFL contactless payments rack up 1 million payments. This article states this way has hit one million hits only 9 days after the major mobile networks introduced and supported this idea. TFL began to accept contactless payments on the 16th of September and since then figures just began to rice. This article says with the new devices e.g. apple watch these figures will continue to rise.
This article is about how TFL contactless payments rack up 1 million payments. This article states this way has hit one million hits only 9 days after the major mobile networks introduced and supported this idea. TFL began to accept contactless payments on the 16th of September and since then figures just began to rice. This article says with the new devices e.g. apple watch these figures will continue to rise.
- 1 million payments in nine days
- nine mobile networks provide this
- buses and trams accounted 785,000 transactions whilst 375,000 on the tube and overground customers.
This just shows how far new media has come, that you could know pay for you bus fare via your phone. I believe this will continue to grow and could hit big figures. More people will continue to use. This contactless payment method is know used in shops as you can pay for anything under 10 pounds via card or phone and this shows how far new/digital media has come.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014

This story is about former England international Gary Lineker about his Twitter Row after the Manchester United game. This article states that the BBC have warned Gary Lineker about his foul- mouthed tweets. All his tweets contained bad language on the day which offended Man united fans and his tweets provoked bad reactions. Gary Lineker took to Twitter to deny these reports. The Journalist who published this story later apologized to Gary Lineker and he accepted the apology.
This story is about former England international Gary Lineker about his Twitter Row after the Manchester United game. This article states that the BBC have warned Gary Lineker about his foul- mouthed tweets. All his tweets contained bad language on the day which offended Man united fans and his tweets provoked bad reactions. Gary Lineker took to Twitter to deny these reports. The Journalist who published this story later apologized to Gary Lineker and he accepted the apology.
- Sh*t on Man united tweet got 20,000 retweets
- Warned by the BBC over offensive tweets
- You can express views easily with the improvements with digital media.
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Exam plan
Tittle- Developments in new/digital media mean that audiences can now have access to a greater variety of views and values. To what extent are audiences empowered by these developments?
Sources for the question- Twitter, Facebook, Google Blog and YouTube.
Theories and statistics- 18.3 million households in the U.K had access in 2009- Increasing every year.
Sources for the question- Twitter, Facebook, Google Blog and YouTube.
Theories and statistics- 18.3 million households in the U.K had access in 2009- Increasing every year.
- Information Revolution- The most important medium of the twentieth century - (Briggs and Burke)
- Different types of communication- Many to many communication, One to One and One to many
- According to Lin and Webster the top 5 % of website accounted 75 percent of the online audience.
- Pareto's law is that a minority of media producers serve a majority of consumers.
- Online corporate power links to all my sources.
- Google part of the big eight companies and they are in full control of blogger and YouTube
- Facebook is one of the most wealthiest company
Introduction- Talk more about the question and explain the question.
Paragraph 1- Freedom online as on twitter you can state your own opinion- recent example #VoteyesforScotland
Paragraph 2- No censorship on social networks and you can produced whatever you want e.g. Groups on Facebook- Riots
Paragraph 3- You can produce anything and put it anywhere- youtube videos and downloadable items.
paragraph 4- Top 5% of websites are used by 75 per cent of consumers
paragraph 5- Audience still have to believe dominate ideologies. How industries are killing culture. Companies keeping control and their ideologies are believed .
Paragraph 6- conclude the whole essay
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
This article was on the guardian website and it's about the high demands for the Iphone 6. This article states that they've been over 4 million pre orders for the new phone. It also warns customers that it will be very difficult to get the phone on release day because of the high demands and could wait a while. These pre-order levels have smashed records for Apple. These levels have doubled the amount of pre orders for the Iphone 5 in 2012. These figures do not include China. Apple also warned customers that the orders may not be delivered until October.
This article was on the guardian website and it's about the high demands for the Iphone 6. This article states that they've been over 4 million pre orders for the new phone. It also warns customers that it will be very difficult to get the phone on release day because of the high demands and could wait a while. These pre-order levels have smashed records for Apple. These levels have doubled the amount of pre orders for the Iphone 5 in 2012. These figures do not include China. Apple also warned customers that the orders may not be delivered until October.
- 4 million preorders for the Iphone 6
- The Iphone 6 plus is in the highest demand and will be hard to get in the first few weeks
- Orders do not include China
I think that these orders show the loyalty that customers have with their customers as they've smashed records. This also shows as a brand apple is the biggest and is bigger than rivals Samsung in the marketing and branding department. samsung may be better with features but this shows they are some way off with marketing and Apple are way ahead of competitors.
U2 Album
Firstly I don't believe why users are complaining about something that is free,We complain that we get nothing free, we do and we see users complaining. Also this album would be over £8 and apple paid high amounts of money to reward customers. On the other hand I can see why people may be complaining because a song could affect mood and when listing to music of itunes this song could be played randomly and people may not like it.
This article is about the new album from U2 which is free to all apple customers as they can download the album for free on their devices. This article states that some apple customers are not happy with this automatic download as it downloads automatically. Also the article states that users took social media to complain about this album download.
- 33 million Itune account holders accessed this album
- Tim Cook announced this album would be given to the 500 million itune users.
- People took to Social media to complain about this issue
Firstly I don't believe why users are complaining about something that is free,We complain that we get nothing free, we do and we see users complaining. Also this album would be over £8 and apple paid high amounts of money to reward customers. On the other hand I can see why people may be complaining because a song could affect mood and when listing to music of itunes this song could be played randomly and people may not like it.
Monday, 15 September 2014
Microsoft wants to buy minecraft

This article is about why Microsoft want to buy online sensation Minecraft. The valuation of the game is 1.2 million pounds and that is the fee that Microsoft have to pay to acquire the game. This article states that the 2 industries are already in talks and are close to agreeing a deal.

This article is about why Microsoft want to buy online sensation Minecraft. The valuation of the game is 1.2 million pounds and that is the fee that Microsoft have to pay to acquire the game. This article states that the 2 industries are already in talks and are close to agreeing a deal.
- Minecraft is valued at 1.2 million
- 2 companies close to agreeing a deal
- Major American company Bloomberg have made a previous bid.
What I believe that Microsoft are doing with this is that all xbox consoles will come with the minecraft already installed for the buyers. This will give them a edge over rivals playstation because this is one of the biggest game and will be on the xbox as minecraft are purchasing the rights. This could increase microsoft (Xbox's)market share as this is a very popular game and playstation users play this game and this may force them to join the other side.
Thursday, 11 September 2014

This article is about the new I PHONE 6 comparing it to the nexus 5 which is a provided by Google. It states how apple are 2 years behind with their features and nobody seems to notice because of apples intense marketing. This article also states how poor Google's marketing is as nobody really knew about these feature 2 years ago. Also this article also has support towards the apple product as they state the simplicity of the product is a positive and reason why it is so popular towards the older audience
This article is about the new I PHONE 6 comparing it to the nexus 5 which is a provided by Google. It states how apple are 2 years behind with their features and nobody seems to notice because of apples intense marketing. This article also states how poor Google's marketing is as nobody really knew about these feature 2 years ago. Also this article also has support towards the apple product as they state the simplicity of the product is a positive and reason why it is so popular towards the older audience
- Apple is way higher priced than the Google product
- Terrible marketing hasn't helped google
- Apple loyalist are forgiving because of what the product does and how it helps them
Prem Rights

This article was on the guardian sport section and it's about the premier league goals highlights being showed on social media. Over the last year or so people have been posting goal highlights straight after the goal has been scored which isn't going down well with- BT and Sky as they invest heavily for the rights. This is breaching the copyright rule which is illegal. In this article it also states that the premier league are trying to tackle this online copyright issue. Also a threat to the premier league as commercial partners may pay less as content is being revealed online.
I believe that the premier league should continue to allow supporters of their teams to see the goals as there is no access to the 3PM kick offs as partners don't broadcast live. Also this is online and it will be very hard to tackle this issue as people will continue to post the goals.
This article was on the guardian sport section and it's about the premier league goals highlights being showed on social media. Over the last year or so people have been posting goal highlights straight after the goal has been scored which isn't going down well with- BT and Sky as they invest heavily for the rights. This is breaching the copyright rule which is illegal. In this article it also states that the premier league are trying to tackle this online copyright issue. Also a threat to the premier league as commercial partners may pay less as content is being revealed online.
- Footballvines has over 500k followers on twitter
- Premier league rights costed sky and BT 3BN
- Over 9199 complaints on twitter
- Premier League have nothing to do with the vines
I believe that the premier league should continue to allow supporters of their teams to see the goals as there is no access to the 3PM kick offs as partners don't broadcast live. Also this is online and it will be very hard to tackle this issue as people will continue to post the goals.
Digital media

3. This article is about the next generation consoles next big game. This article is on the top 50 players in the next video game and how these players are based on their real life performance. It also states that developers have a eye on every player within the year and base their stats on how well the players performed in the season. Overall the article is about the new game and this article summarises the the new games top 50 players. This article also talks about the dominance of the Spanish league as it states the top players are dominated by players from the Spanish league.
3. This article is about the next generation consoles next big game. This article is on the top 50 players in the next video game and how these players are based on their real life performance. It also states that developers have a eye on every player within the year and base their stats on how well the players performed in the season. Overall the article is about the new game and this article summarises the the new games top 50 players. This article also talks about the dominance of the Spanish league as it states the top players are dominated by players from the Spanish league.
- Players Ratings based on their performance over the last year
- Top ten players dominated by players in the Spanish and German League (premier league standards dropping)
- Developers believe this game will have the most up to date stats
- They analyse players based on a five criteria
5. In my opinion I think that the developers are too biased towards the La Liga and the 2 big teams in that the league ( Real Madrid and Barcelona). Also I think that these ratings are not based on the season stats and these ratings are based on the media hype and the players which the media focus on have the highest ratings. For example James Rodriquez technically isn't better than the likes of Arturo Vidal and Toni Kroos but James has a higher rating due to one good tournament and a big money move to Real Madrid which was all over: print, broadcast and social media, if James was still at Monaco he wouldn't be in the top 50.
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