Monday, 29 September 2014

Learner response

Mr Bush Feedback 

WWW- Good reference to some wider context ( e.g. Egypt ) 
EBI-  Try to include more explicit reference to theory eg. news values, Marxism/ key theory)

Recently in Scotland people were voting whether to stay in the united Kingdom or to leave the United kingdom. This shows that the audience are empowered by the developments of digital media that the people of the country can have a say Online. Scottish people on twitter stated a campaign #voteyesscotland This shows that nobody can stop people online and there is no restrictions and there isn't a gatekeeper who can stop this. There was an article in the Scottish times about this campaign which again shows how big digital media is that millions of people get involved and it is all over the news.  This article states that people all around the world were involved in this vote from Alaska to the UK. This article states people from North America were among the votes. This shows how audience have been empowered as they have a say and be all over the news. This news was very big that Scotland government had to have a say and fueled everything about this campaign this links to Andrew keen as some may say that internet is killing our culture because voting is about voting on the election day not being influenced. 

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